If you think my hands are full... you should see my heart!

Our BIG Family of Five...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December FUN!!

We have been busy bee's this month... Grams, Uncle "B', the girls and I headed to the Dallas zoo on beautiful warm Friday afternoon. Caroline and Reese both had a blast. Caroline loved riding the pony and both girls loved feeding the giraffes. Reese wasn't sure what to think of the giant animal coming towards her but she wasn't scared one bit. What a fun day for the girls to run around and enjoy the great weather.

Caroline had a little Christmas ballet performance this past weekend to the song "Jingle Bell Rock". She of course was the star of the show and knew the entire routine (Caroline and daddy practiced alot). We absolutely love watching her dance... she is just the cutest! We even got to have lunch with Great-Grandpa and Grandma... what a treat!

We also headed over to Santa's Village during the day to let the girls run around and play. Caroline saw the huge dance stage so she immediately ran onto the stage and put on quite a performance for everyone there. The kid has NO stage fright. That evening we went to Frisco square to meet the Glasco's for dinner and Christmas fun. We ate at a great pizzeria and enjoyed watching the kids run around and play. After dinner we walked through the square and checked out all the lights. They made it snow throughout the square so of course the kids loved that. We ended the night with $5 glow/flashing wand things and blueberry popcorn... what a great day!!

Steve's office has a kids Christmas party every year with food, crafts and of course Santa. Both girls didn't mind sitting on Santa's lap. Caroline told him all the things she wants for Christmas and Reese tried to rip Santa's beard off... but overall very successful. Caroline enjoyed making every single craft and couldn't wait to come home and put them on our tree.

We went to Northpark this past Sunday to shop and play. We looked at the turtles, ducks, played on the slides and went to see the train exhibit. What a fun Sunday!!

Lastly, we got a new car. We decided to go ahead and make the switch since we will be soon adding another car seat in our car so we had to have that third row. After ALOT of research and consideration, we went with the GMC Acadia. We both didn't want anything huge and we both will absolutely not drive a minivan (no offense anyone with a van) so we decided the Acadia would be a perfect fit of our growing family. I love it because each girl will have their own seat and I should NEVER hear "she is touching me" being screamed from the back of the car. Happy days!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Catch up

Ok... so I know it's been awhile but we have had a lot of happenings in the Loeffler household recently. First off, halloween. Caroline wanted to be Merida (from Brave) and she wanted Reese to be her little bear sibling like in the movie so it was perfect, Caroline got the Merida costume for her birthday and I made Reese's costume BUT THEN we were at Pottery Barn Kids and Caroline saw this giant pink octopus costume she just HAD to have. So, shockingly only $12 later she was the proud owner of a pink octopus costume. My mom and I randomly found Reese's strawberry costume at Old Navy for half off.. wahoo! They were the cutest little pair. We met up with our neighbors and walked the streets and the kids had a blast. I think Caroline is still on a sugar high!

We also had a FUN little Halloween party at our house with some of our friends and their kiddos. The kids painted and decorated pumpkins, decorated cupcakes, dug for prizes in cooked spaghetti (brains), bobbed for apples, jumped in the bounce house and of course played. We are so lucky to have such an amazing group of friends!!

Caroline had a Halloween party at school that was so much fun! The kids got to decorate cupcakes, participate in a parade, play games and make crafts. I am so glad I was able to be there. Here are a few pictures I took. She had to take off her octopus head for the games and decorating the cupcakes :0)

Caroline absolutely LOVED carving her pumpkin this year!! We did it after Reese went to bed because I didn't want orange slime all over the house and her... next year, Reese. Caroline drew the design she wanted and I cut it out. She of course had to add lots of bling!

I cannot believe our sweet, funny, active little Reese turned 1 last week!! It truly is amazing how fast time goes by. We had a little owl birthday party for her. She did great!! She had a little help blowing out her candle by her big sister and of course ALL the kids helped her open her presents. She is the luckiest little girl to be surrounded by so many people that love her. Thank you to everyone that helped make her day a little extra special! Now slow down growing, Reese!!!

We headed down to Baton Rouge for Thanksgiving to visit Ma (Steve's grandma) and see to everyone for Thanksgiving. We had a great time... Lisa and Bob are always such awesome hosts and make great food. Steve's aunt Shannon put together the 2nd annual Loeffler turkey trot. We ran/walk/hobbled a 5k. Caroline ran/walked the entire way with Papa and only had to stop every few minutes to pick up an acorn, stick or decorate herself with the hot pink course marker streamers. Steve ran the entire thing and even raced Mike to the finish line and slid into the finish line. Reese got to ride in style and pushed by Nana and Aunt Lisa. Caroline, Papa and I got last place, yippee!! Aunt Shannon gave Caroline a fabulous last place princess tiara, so sweet. The girls had a great time playing with all their cousins, digging in the dirt, playing in uncle Bob's boat and going to the park. The most important part of our trip was getting to see and spend some time with Ma.. she is such an amazing lady!

AND last but not least... We are having a BABY!! Steve and I were very surprised and extremely excited to have another baby. We found out a few weeks ago that we are having a little girl. We are thrilled to add another life long best friend for Caroline and Reese. We are due May 21st and the baby is perfect in every way.

Also, I got a new full time job. I have been trying to get a teaching job at Texas Virtual School for the past couple of years and just had to find the right opportunity and I found it. I will be working full time from home being an online virtual Instructional specialist. These are kids that are in school full time and their parents are their learning coach. I will specialize in grades 3-4 helping the struggling students with whatever individual needs that need to be met. I will be helping them pass their benchmark tests and of course the STARR test at the end of the year. I am excited to start my new journey in the virtual teaching world.